Essential Tips for Fixing Your Air Leaks

seal air leak


Have you ever experienced a chilly draft when sitting next to a closed window or felt as though certain rooms remain warm when you’re blasting your air conditioning on a hot day? These things are likely a result of an air leak in your home. Air leaks can come from small cracks in door frames and windows, attics, or small cracks and holes in the structure of a home. Outside air can even sneak in from smaller places like your floorboards or electrical outlets.

These leaks can be frustrating when trying to keep your home at a comfortable temperature and can cost you extra money on your energy bills. Here are a few ways to treat and seal air leaks in your home!

Try Spray Foam Insulation


Fiberglass and cellulose insulation are common types of insulation used in many homes. Outside of these two, there is an option called spray foam insulation. Spray foam

creates an air seal and is the perfect solution for sealing air leaks in a drafty attic. As heat rises, spray foam will help to keep your warm air inside your home and stop it from flowing out through cracks in your attic.

Current trends show builders turning to spray foam insulation in newer homes because of its energy-efficient properties, so an added benefit of having spray foam insulation installed in your home is monthly savings on costly energy bills!

Fill Holes With Caulk

Another common problem that can result in air leaks is small holes in floors, walls, and ceilings. To seal these off and prevent air from outdoors getting in, or air from inside

your home from leaking out, they can be filled with caulk. An air leak detector is an easy way to identify where these small holes or cracks may be, and since caulk is an inexpensive and easy fix, it’s a great place to start when sealing off air leaks.


Create a Seal With Weatherstripping


Entryways and windows can also be culprits in letting outside air into your home. To seal air leaks around doors and windows, weatherstripping is a great idea.

These frequent offenders of air leaks were probably treated with weatherstripping at one point or another but will need to be replaced over time.

If you are noticing your windows feeling a little more drafty than usual, it’s probably time to have new weatherstripping installed. These rubber strips seal off entry points to your home from the outside and will stop the flow of air in and out from these areas.

Make Your Home More Energy Efficient by Sealing Air Leaks

Energy-efficient homes are not only great for the environment but save homeowners money on energy bills every year. Sealing air leaks in your home is a great way to help make your home more energy-efficient. To help seal off air leaks in your home, and keep temperatures comfortable:

  • Consider spraying foam insulation in your attic
  • Fill small holes in floors, walls, and ceilings with caulk
  • Install or replace weatherstripping around doors and windows

If you need assistance or have questions about sealing air leaks in your home, please contact the indoor comfort pros at Good’s Electric, Heating & Air. We have the expertise and methods needed to resolve all your air leakage issues.

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